July 6, 2009

HM on Good Morning America!

What an honor... My Heritage Makers business was featured this morning on GMA! Check it out! http://bit.ly/n6bT1

Out of all the Direct Sales companies that they could have chosen, they highlighted Heritage Makers! They showed how Direct Selling really is the place to be right now and is an amazing way to make a little extra cash. I've enjoyed doing it with Heritage Makers for over 3 years now! Storybooking is definitely something I am passionate about.

Join my team & start making extra income this month! www.CreateHeritage.com

From the Heritage Makers blog:

Heritage Makers Featured on Good Morning America as Hot Business Opportunity

Tory Johnson chooses Heritage Makers to be featured as a top direct sales company.

Provo, Utah - July 6, 2009 - Heritage Makers, the leader in direct sales of personalized publishing products, was featured today by career expert Tory Johnson on ABC’s nationally-acclaimed morning show Good Morning America as a hot business opportunity in today’s troubled economy.

Career expert Tory Johnson is the founder and CEO of Women For Hire, a leading producer of recruiting events for women. Johnson is the Workplace Contributor on Good Morning America, where she reaches millions of viewers on a wide range of job-related issues and challenges. She is also the anchor of Home Work on ABC News Now, the digital channel.

Monday’s Good Morning America show highlighted direct-selling companies that are making a difference in the challenging economy. On the show Johnson said, “When choosing a direct sales company, passion is the key word. You should choose something you would use yourself, something that complements your lifestyle.” She touted Heritage Makers as, “a really fun company that makes great products.”

“It’s an honor to be recognized by Good Morning America and Tory Johnson,” states Chris Lee, Heritage Makers CEO. “Ms. Johnson is an expert when it comes to mentoring women in their careers. Her acknowledgment of Heritage Makers on Good Morning America is an honor for our young company. In a time when family budgets are tight, it’s encouraging to be recognized as a solution for women seeking extra income.”

July 1, 2009

Happy July!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July holiday weekend! Make some great memories with those you love!

Studio 3.0 is here!

Heritage Makers Studio 3.0 is up and running!

In case you are wondering, here are some of the enhancements you'll find:

- A new Art Collection tab. Basic and Premier art are all in the same area. Basic users now have a checkbox allowing them to hide the Premier art. Collection thumbnails are displayed, and search results are divided into groups of embellishments, alphabets, backgrounds, etc.
- Photos can be upload from inside the Studio editor. (you just can't "create" a new album)
- The Studio art catalog is now searchable from the main webpage. Check it out: http://studio.heritagemakers.com/studio/ArtContentViewerStandalone.html
- A new Press Room page!
- New and improved Checkout.
- No more logouts! - You won't have to log in 5 times an hour now. You will remain logged into your account until you either log out or close your browser completely.
- My Albums - You can now MOVE photos from one album to another. (for now, it doesn't copy then, it just moves them)
- My Projects and My Templates are combined
- Faster Loading!! - Templates, projects, etc. - 7 second loading for projects! Woo hoo!
- Address Book - you can now import, export from Outlook, etc. You can 'select all' or select multiple addresses too!!
- Shipping - no more flat rate. shipping based on products and shipping address.
- Quotes are separated by category

Take some time to explore Studio 3.0 and discover the many new possibilities!

Christmas in July!

JULY 1ST IS HERE! The day that my clients wait for THE ENTIRE YEAR LONG! EVERYTHING is on sale at Heritage Makers!
Have you always wanted to make your own Christmas or Holiday cards?
Get your Holiday cards NOW, while the price is THE LOWEST! Tons of templates to choose from or design your own!
Get a head start those holiday gifts for parents, grandparents, extended family, children, teachers, and friends. Won't it feel great to give something so meaningful this holiday season!?

Amazing specials now through the end of July on all of your favorite products!!
  • Storybooks
  • Calendars and Cookbooks / Planners
  • Posters and Prints
  • Greeting Cards
Avoid long lines, grumpy shoppers, and all the holiday stress! Get your Christmas shopping done early this year...in July!

Get your cards created, addresses entered, and ready to mail. Have all of your presents wrapped. And save lots of money! Plus, you'll be able to actually enjoy the holiday season because you won't be running from store to store trying to find the perfect gift. The best gifts, the ones that really matter, will be waiting under your tree.

Enjoy giving your family the priceless gift of heritage with these amazing specials from Heritage Makers. DON'T MISS THIS AMAZING SALE!!! See all the prices on my CHRISTMAS IN JULY flyer today!
Click here to see the specials!


Family Reunion Ideas

Family Reuion ideas using Heritage Makers products:
Games, activities, crafts, family cookbooks, etc.
These are SOOOOO cute!

Speed Scrap

Speed Scrap!
Recently, I have learned about a weekly event called "Speed Scrap". It is an online digi crop host by fellow HM Consultant, Channon Zabel. I love her creativity and willingness to take time out of her busy schedule to host events like this every week so that other digital designers and Heritage Makers can come together and do up a new page with fresh ideas with her help, guidance and cool "7 rules".

If you are interested in attending these "Speed Scraps", please CLICK HERE to join her facebook group!

Here is the definition of a "Speed Scrap":
7 instructions in 60 minutes with results of one great page.
You will be given a new rule or instruction for your page every 10 minutes. You will end up with one fantastic page. At the end of the first hour you will be given one extra hour to finish up your page and get it posted to the forum on facebook.

Here is an example of the rules from a past Speed Scrap:

1. Pick out a quote you love and find a picture that matches that quote. Do something fun with your quote by making one of the words either a piece of word art, make it out of alphas, or make one word a larger font.
2. Duplicate your one picture and focus in on one part and crop it out. Frame that picture and put it somewhere on your page.
3. Place two frames behind or on your larger full frame picture.
4. Now chose a solid piece of paper for your background paper. Chose a 2nd piece of paper, patterned or solid, make it fairly large and make a circle out of it. Send the circle behind your pictures.
5. Wrap your larger single photo that has two frames with a ribbon or rubber band.
6. Embellish with three (no more, no less) pieces of ribbon
7. Embellish with however many other pretty little things you want (hearts, stars, flowers) Remember less is more! And remember CLUSTER and rule of three.

Young Author's Contest

Check it out! Your kids (ages 8-17) can write their own story and enter this fun contest.

Storybooks about young people are usually full of milestone stories and family events. For this project, encourage your child to add depth to such stories by capturing his or her thoughts, feelings, personality quirks, likes and dislikes. Let your kids tell their own story any way they wish to or ask a few of the following questions to help capture this rapidly fleeting moment in time.
Check the link for full details, prizes and deadlines!


Here are some great ideas, suggested by HM, to get your child started:

my family

  1. What activities have you and your family done together that you’ll always remember?
  2. What can you do better than mom/dad/grandma?
  3. What’s the nicest thing a family member has ever said to you?
  4. How are you most like your mom/your dad?
  5. What do you and your siblings enjoy doing most together?

all about food

  1. What’s your favorite breakfast cereal/candy bar/fruit/type of food?
  2. What food would you like to eat everyday if you were allowed to?
  3. What’s your favorite vegetable?
  4. Are there any foods you really dislike?
  5. If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

my friends

  1. What are the names of your closest friends?
  2. What do you and your friends like to do together?
  3. What’s the first thing you show friends when they visit your house?
  4. Do you have friends who are also relatives?
  5. What’s the nicest thing a friend has done for you?

at home

  1. What do you like best about your room/your home/your yard/your neighborhood?
  2. Is there anything of yours displayed on the fridge/on the walls?
  3. What chores are you responsible for at your house?
  4. What’s under your bed?
  5. What do the kids in your neighborhood do for fun?

family traditions

  1. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
  2. What’s the best present you ever got?
  3. What was your best Halloween costume ever?
  4. What makes your family different from your friends’ families?
  5. What family stories do you think you’ll be telling your own children?

my favorites

  1. Do you have a favorite joke you love to tell?
  2. What’s your favorite TV show?
  3. What’s your favorite song/singing group/singer?
  4. Which movie could you watch a million times?
  5. Which toy or game would you never give away?

hope & dreams

  1. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about life so far?
  2. Is there anything you really want to do that you haven’t been able to do yet?
  3. If you inherited lots of money, what would you buy first?
  4. If you had one super-power, what would it be and how would you use it?
  5. If you could be someone different, who would you be?

school life

  1. What would you most like to learn in school next year?
  2. What book did you like reading best in the last year?
  3. What school subject do you have to work hardest at?
  4. What school subject is easiest for you?
  5. What do you do at recess?

getting along

  1. How do you think you and your brothers and sisters will get along when you are grown-ups?
  2. Who in your family would you miss most if they were not there?
  3. What’s the nicest thing you’ve done for somebody recently?
  4. Have you ever learned something from someone you didn’t like?
  5. How do you think you make the world a better place?

random facts about me

  1. What’s your nickname and how did you get it?
  2. What makes you laugh?
  3. What are you really good at?
  4. What did you eat for lunch today?